Certified Translations Services

Certified Translation Services

Immediate quotation
Offers for Companies
  • Framework agreement with many advantages
  • Major customer discount
  • 24h translation service
  • Dedicated project manager


With Quality Guarantee!
  • ISO 17100 certified
  • Information security according to ISO 27001
  • Environmental standards ISO 14001
  • Guaranteed perfect, or translated again
Certified and Sworn
  • Experts for officially certified translations in 24-48H
  • Certified translations with signature and stamp
  • Translations by sworn translators for over 50 countries

Certified Translations around the Globe!

The Native Translator is ISO 17100 certified and provides quality translation in over 100 languages - across all sectors and fields. In addition, we are also specialists in certified translations. Numerous individuals, public authorities, schools and government organizations worldwide already rely on our certified translations.

What are Certified Translations?

Certification processes and the definition of a certified translation are different from country to country. In general, a certified translation is one that was carried out by an officially sworn translator. As a rule, the translation is accompanied by a signed statement that the translator has the necessary skills in the source and target language and that the certified translation is an accurate translation of the source document. This can also be designated by a stamp placed directly on the translation.

Certified Document Translations that are accepted by Foreign Governments

Our translations are recognised and accepted by foreign administrations. You will receive a professional certified or official translation produced by one of our sworn legal translators:

  • certified by the Department of Justice in Bulgaria for translations into Bulgarian
  • certified by ITI in the UK, ATA in the US and NAATI In Australia for translations into English
  • certified by Utbildningsstyrelsen in Finland, for translations into Finnish
  • certified by the Cour d'Appel (Court of Appeal) in France, for translations into French
  • certified by the Landgericht (State Court) in Germany for translations into German
  • certified and legalised in Greece for translations into Greek
  • certified by the The Raad voor Rechtsbijstand for translations into Dutch
  • certified by Handelshögskolan i Bergen for translations into Norwegian
  • certified by the Department of Justice in Poland for translations into Polish
  • certified and legalised in Portugal for translations into Portuguese
  • certified by the Department of Justice in Romania for translations into Romanian
  • certified by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for translations into Spanish
  • certified by Kammarkollegiet in Sweden for translations into Swedish
  • etc.

Certified translations that are made and certified by The Native Translator are valid for businesses and all levels of government in most countries. You can contact us at e-mail 24 hours a day, year round, should you have the need for more information.

In 100 Languages for over 100 Countries!

Our certified translations are performed worldwide by sworn translators who are licensed to legally validate the translation of documents. Please note: a certification, issued by a sworn translator in one country, may in certain circumstances, not be valid in another country. According to the EU Services Directive however, translations conducted by a sworn translator in one EU country must be recognized in all other EU countries.

The process for Certified Online Translations

When you place an order for a certified translation, please indicate the country where the translation is being used. This will ensure that a translator sworn for that particular country is used. You will receive the sworn translation from us as a scanned file - however should you need the originals, we ask that you notify us of this (not automatically provided). 

Documents for which a Certified Translation may be necessary: 

  • Birth certificates
  • Diplomas
  • Marriage certificates
  • Medical records
  • ID cards
  • Financial records
  • Contracts, letters of intent

You can rely on: getting your desired translation of first-rate quality and in the shortest possible time. As a certified Translation Agency. We guarantee our customers the highest verifiable standards.

Below you will find a few examples of the different Requirements for Certified Translation in different countries:

  • Netherlands
    Only sworn translators acknowledged by the Dutch Court are entitled to perform certified translation of official documents such as birth/marriage certificates, diplomas, etc.
  • Belgium
    In Belgium, a distinction is made between sworn and legalised translation. Sworn translations bear the signature and/or stamp of the translator while a legalised translation also requires a stamp from the court where the translator has been sworn.
  • Greece
    Certified translation performed by a lawyer or by the Greek Foreign Ministry’s Department of Translation. Occasionally, certified translation can be carried out by an individual certified translator, although such translators are difficult to locate.
  • Norway
    Statsautoriserte Translatørers Forening (STF) – The Association of Government Authorised Translators in Norway
    Members of this association have passed a demanding translation written and oral examination in translation, in the languages concerned. This certification represents the highest possible Norwegian qualification for translations of specialised, industry-specific texts into and from Norwegian. Translators possessing this certification are authorised by the Norwegian government to place their stamp and signature on documents, along with the words “True Translation Certified”, thus constituting a certified translation.
  • Denmark
    Certified translations are only immediately valid as legal documents if performed by state-authorised translators. The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs can ‘legalise’ a certified translation for further proof of legal validity. This occurs by authenticating the signature of the translator.
    If a document is intended for use in non-signatory country then that particular country’s diplomatic representation in Denmark are required to legalise the document.
  • Venezuela
    In Venezuela, a sworn or certified translator (Interprete Publico) is authorised following the awarding of a degree by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Justice. Any document from a foreign language will only have recognised legal value in Venezuela if translated by such a certified translator.
  • Argentina
    In compliance with Law #20,305, all public documents (including personal papers and some commercial contracts) have to be translated and signed by a "certified public translator," whose seal and signature have to be legalized on each document by the translators' professional body of jurisdiction.
  • Germany
    German regional courts (Landgerichte) have the power to appoint "sworn translators".
  • Indonesia
    In Indonesia, a sworn translator is often referred to as an authorised or certified translator - they are people who have attended and passed translator qualification examinations in the legal field as organised by the School of Linguistics and Cultural Sciences at the University of Indonesia (FIBUI). After passing, they will then take an oath before the Governor of DKI Jakarta.
  • Italy
    Both Italian courts and consulates have the power to appoint as "official translators" candidates who pass an examination or present proof of their language proficiency (usually a university degree).
  • Mexico
    In Mexico, some local institutions, such as the Superior Court of Justice, require that a written and oral examination be passed for a translator to be recognized as an expert or "sworn" translator.
  • Poland
    The standards of translation in Poland are regulated by the relevant department of the Ministry of Justice and every translator wishing to provide such services must pass a formal examination.
  • South Africa
    In South Africa, a translator must be authorised by the High Court, and must use an original (or a sworn copy of an original) in his/her physical presence as the source text. Translators may only swear by their own translations. There is no requirement for an additional witness (such as a notary) to confirm the authenticity of the certified translation.
  • Spain
    Only sworn translators can produce a sworn translation in Spain. To become a sworn translator in Spain, the candidate has to pass an exam set by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
  • Sweden
    The "Kammarkollegiet" is an official agency that authorises interpreters and translators, who must first pass a stringent examination set by the organisation. Authorised translators hold a protected professional title, and their certified translations are considered legal and binding for all legal purposes.
  • United Kingdom
    In the UK, The Institute of Translation and Interpreting ITI is the body giving a translator the right to certify translations.ITI makes sure the translators have suitable language skills and technical expertise. The Institute can hold its members to account in the event of complaints.Translations sometimes have to be "sworn" for various purposes, such as when providing official translations for public authorities. In the UK, swearing has no bearing on the quality of a translation. It serves instead to identify the translator and his qualifications, so that he is accountable.
  • United States of America
    The U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics states: "There is currently no universal form of certification required of interpreters and translators in the United States, but there are a variety of different tests that workers can take to demonstrate proficiency."

The Mother Tongue Principle

The Mother Tongue Principle, also known as the Native Speaker Principle, is one of the corner stones of translation and is a very important consideration when employing certified translators for your documents. The principle states that a linguist translates their native language. An English native speaker translates content into English, a Polish native speaker translates content into Polish, etc. A native speaker of a language is a person who was born, grew up and obtained his or her education in a country where the target language is the official language. We apply this  principle to all our translations also certified translations.

Absolute Confidentiality

The Native Translator maintains confidentiality agreements with its customers, and all company employees and suppliers are bound by nondisclosure agreements. This ensures that information provided by our customers is always maintained in absolute confidentiality and is protected from unauthorised external access.

You can order a Certified Document Translation here

You can order a certified translation of your documents directly online. Upload your document and order directly on our translation portal.

Contact and furrther information

You can contact us at e-mail 24 hours a day, year round, should you have the need for more information.

The Native Translator is an ISO 17100 certified translation agency online, specializing in providing quality assured certified translations directly online.

Immediate quotation
With Quality Guarantee!
  • ISO 17100 certified
  • Information security according to ISO 27001
  • Environmental standards ISO 14001
  • Guaranteed perfect, or translated again

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